If you are an Internet Marketing expert then of course you know that the keywords are how much important for a successful website. And if you regularly run Internet marketing campaigns like organic search engine optimization or PPC advertising then you should required to manage your thousands of keywords and you should also required to multiply your keywords database. But id you have thousands of keywords in your database then there may be possibility of duplicate or useless keywords so you also required clean-up your keywords database. By using Keyword Pad you can easily manage your thousands of keywords. Removing duplicate entries form a long list of keywords is very easy. You can sort your keywords in ascending or descending order. You can optimize your keywords list by removing unwanted words occur anywhere in the keywords. You can also use its enhanced search and replace or Find and remove feature to further clean your database. Here you can also create new lists of keywords just by replacing a term with another and then duplicating the list results a log keywords list. It also give you option to add prefix or suffix to all keywords list or even you can merge to list of keywords.
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